China is a command economy, meaning that its leaders have elaborate plans that steer the nation on a certain economic path. 中国是一个指令型经济体,这意味着其领导人可以精心策划,引领经济步入特定的发展轨道。
The generals 'deep-rooted impulse to control the market – mocked by some as a true command economy – has been exacerbated by western sanctions, including a US ban on all imports from Burma. 将军们根深蒂固的控制市场的冲动有人嘲讽说这是真正的命令经济被西方的制裁所放大,这其中包括美国对所有缅甸进口产品的禁令。
With its command economy, China is able to mobilise resources on a massive scale at speed. 由于其相对集中的经济体系,中国可以高速地大规模调用资源。
The government, at both the central and local levels, also cannot command the economy in the ways it once did, with far more investment decisions in the hands of entrepreneurs. 同时,中央和地方政府都无法按照以往的方式来指导经济,因为更多的投资权掌握在了企业家手中。
French calls North Korea the only unreformed Stalinist command economy standing. 弗伦奇将朝鲜称为现存唯一未改革的斯大林主义指令性经济体。
After all, Vietnam is also a command economy with huge state-owned enterprises, opaque regulations and a keen disregard for intellectual property. 毕竟,越南也是一个拥有庞大国企、监管不透明而且极度藐视知识产权的指令性经济体。
Chiang shared Chen's belief that state enterprises were superior to private enterprises and that a planned, command economy would strengthen China's national security and improve people's welfare. 蒋介石接受了陈仪笃信的东西&国有企业要优于私有企业,计划经济会增强国家安全、增进人民福祉。
The command economy was approached gingerly, or so it looked on paper. 中央管制经济初见端倪,或者说在名义上如此。
To any Marxist it is self-evident that what collapsed recently in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union was not socialism or planned economy or marxism, but bureaucratic centralism, command economy and stalinism. 对任何马克思主义者来说,最近在东欧和苏联崩溃的不是社会主义,计划经济或马克思主义,而是中央官僚主义,命令经济和斯大林主义。这是不辩自明的。
But bursting bubbles, even in a command economy, is not that easy. 不过,即使在一个指令性经济体中,戳破泡沫也没有那么容易。
Oh, the joys of a bona fide command economy. 哦,名副其实的指令性经济是多么美妙啊!
This article conducts research on the charge management strategy of China Tietong based on the command economy theory and the telecommunication charge supervision policy. 本文基于管制经济理论和电信资费监管政策,对中国铁通的资费管理策略进行了研究。
In a command economy, it was always overly optimistic to have believed otherwise. 在一个计划经济中,认为二者是一码事的观点始终是过于乐观了。
China is experiencing the transition from the unified wages of a command economy to the caprices and huge differences in salaries of a market economy. 中国正在经历一个转型期,由原来统一工资的计划经济向工资差距巨大的市场经济转变。
He stated that "we should lean toward a market economy process and not on a command economy". 他表示,“我们应该依靠市场经济过程,而不是指令性经济”。
There were two contrary, yet predictable economic consequences from this extraordinary attempt at a socialist "command economy". 在社会主义指令性经济中所做的极端性努力产生了两个相反的,但可以预见的经济后果。
As China shifts from a command economy to a market economy, companies must develop new public relations strategies. 当中国由计划经济向市场经济转型时,公司必须发展新的公共关系策略。
We know that there is nothing in common between Marxism and stalinism, and that bureaucratic-centralist command economy was imposed upon the Russian Revolution only by means of the political and physical obliteration of marxism. 我们相信马克思主义和斯大林主义没有任何相同之处,而官僚中心命令经济是在政治和实体上摧毁了马克思主义后强加在俄罗斯革命之上的。
Because of this, it is of special academic value to grasp the change regularity of space perception, in order to know how space perception affects space behaviour during the transition period from command economy to market economy. 在此时期把握人们行为空间感应变化的脉络,对了解区域经济由计划休制向市场体制过渡的过程中,空间感应如何影响人们空间行为具有特殊的学术价值。
The formulas, parameters, methods and procedures for asset valuation used in the command economy are obviously incompatible with the current market environment. 资产评估行业沿用计划经济时代公式、参数、方法的做法已不适应时代的发展。
In this thesis, I talk something about how to develop agriculture vocational education the in GX. I think agriculture vocational education is a must of historical progress and meets the command of the development of economy and education. 本论文对广西农业职业教育的发展进行了探讨,文章认为广西农业职业教育的发展是经济与教育发展的需要,是历史进步的必然。
This paper focuses on some important macroeconomic regulate model and apply during the transition from the command economy to the market economy. 本文就是在这样的背景下初步探讨非均衡经济增长宏观调控的有关模型及应用研究方面的几个问题。
For Chinese cities can better adapt to the command of the new economy style, some advices about city renewal are proposed. 为了我国城市在未来更能适应知识经济的要求,作者对我国现阶段的城市更新提出了若干建议。
As the state-owned enterprise economic system from a single command economy plan for the transition of existing market economic system, the old planned economy established under the personnel wage system, changes in the economic structure of the new situation, has shown the greatest non-adaptive. 随着国有企业经济体制由单一计划指令性经济过渡为现有的市场经济体制,原有的计划经济下建立起来的人事工资制度,在经济体制转变的新形势下,表现出了极大的不适应性。
World Bank experts believe the risk to transform the command economy to the market economy is same as the transition from the rural-agricultural society to the urban industrial society. 世界银行专家指出,单是指令性经济向市场经济转型就变幻莫测,同样,从乡村型的农业社会向城市化的工业社会的转型也存在很大风险。
Planned economy, also known as command economy, at the early stage of social transformation, effectively secured a full control over the national economy, successfully maintained the stability of the macro economy, and well facilitated the recovery and growth of the national economy. 计划经济也可以称指令性经济,在社会变更的初期,有效地控制了国民经济全局,成功地保持了宏观经济的稳定,促进了国民经济的恢复和增长。
Before the reform and opening up, our country has been ruled by planned command economy system and the government manages all the things including medical services. 改革开放以前,我国实行计划经济体制,政府包揽一切事物包括医疗服务。
These new communities are brought by market economy and they are different from ones shaped under previous command economy. 这些新型社区是现代市场经济的产物,不同于传统计划经济时期形成的社区。